DISCLAIMER: Please note that the ProBot used to provide responses in this API is a demo version. If you are interested in using a same version responses of the ChatGPT API service in your own project, then there is additional costs will apply for api for openapi. please contact the ChatGPT team for more information on pricing and terms and conditions.

Here is open ai pricing list, please click here : – https://openai.com/pricing

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Probot - ChatGPT AI Chatbot
Probot - ChatGPT AI Chatbot
Probot - ChatGPT AI Chatbot
Probot - ChatGPT AI Chatbot
Probot - ChatGPT AI Chatbot
Probot - ChatGPT AI Chatbot
Probot - ChatGPT AI Chatbot
Probot - ChatGPT AI Chatbot
Probot - ChatGPT AI Chatbot
Probot - ChatGPT AI Chatbot
Probot - ChatGPT AI Chatbot
Probot - ChatGPT AI Chatbot

Probot – ChatGPT AI Chatbot

probot is Open AI ChatGPT, User can Ask Any Question or Topic that they want to know from ChatGPT. This chatGPT mobile tool has features like Google Admob and Video, Firebase Login , Apple Login , Biometric authentication , Rewards features, Chat , Image generator and text completion which makes it easy to interact with the world’s most advanced AI language model. You can Subscription via paypal and stripe payment gateways and also earn with Google Ads. Premium features include text-to-speech multiple-language support , speech-to-text multiple-language support , text share, image download, and share. However, Probot does require an account before you can use any of its tools with some limitations, after, you will have to register.This app will work on both Android and iOS platforms. Probot has some additional features like multi-currency, multi-language, state management using GetX, support Dart extension and RTL. This app enables you to develop beautiful and feature-rich apps. You can add any part of the code. You like and apply it to your code. Our code is well organized with all folders, file names, class names variables and functions under 70 lines. This code is well named to make it easy to reuse and customize. This app has features like light and dark mode.

Probot Chat GPT Features:

  • Build with Latest Flutter 3.7.7
  • Login with firebase
  • Sign In with Apple ID
  • Chat with ChatGPT 3.5 turbo
  • Generate Image
  • Subscription Plans
  • Biometric Authentication
  • Paypal and stripe Payment Gateway
  • Multi Language
  • RTL
  • Getx State Management
  • Dark Theme
  • Multi Currency
  • Responsive Layout
  • Null Saftey
  • TTS (Text to Speech Multiple Language Support)
  • STT (Speech to Text Multiple Language Support)
  • Generated Image Download and Share
  • Chat Conversation Download and Share
  • Regenerate ,Copy and share message with Long Press
  • Earn with Google AdMob and Videos
  • Manage Open AI API Key
  • Manage Payment Gateway API Key
  • Chat Limit (Max 5 Messages)
  • Image Generate Limit (Max 5 Searches)
  • Text Generate Limit (Max 5 Searches)
  • Generate Chat Enable/Disable
  • Generate Image Enable/Disable
  • Generate Text Completion Enable/Disable
  • Android and iOS Apps Compatible
  • Easy Setup
  • Field Validation
  • Clean / Simple Code
  • Code Management
  • Well Documentation
  • 20+ Screen
  • Customer Support

Custom Integrations :

  • Radius Buttons
  • Card
  • Snackbar
  • Progress bar
  • Alert
  • Modal
  • Input Box

Flutter Widgets :

  • AppBar
  • Bottom Navigation Bar
  • TabBar
  • Custom Buttons
  • PopupMenuButton
  • TextFormFiled
  • Image (assets, placeholder, network, catchedNetwork)
  • ListView
  • Divider
  • ListTile
  • BottomSheet
  • Icons
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Item details
Version 2.0.1
Category PHP & Mobile
Release date 2023-03-25
Latest update 2023-05-13
Included files Dart,
Compatible browsers Android 12.0, Android 11.0, Android 10.0, Android 9.0 and ISO
Comments 0
High resolution Yes
Sales 112

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