AiWriter is an AI-powered content writing tool for the Laravel framework. It uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze and understand text, allowing it to generate high-quality, unique content for your website or application. With AiWriter, you can easily create engaging, SEO-friendly content for blog posts, articles, and more, saving you time and effort while improving your online presence. Whether you’re a blogger, a marketer, or a developer, AiWriter is the perfect solution for all your content creation needs.

Last Update: 06 February 2023
Version: 1.5
Laravel 9.x
Required PHP v8.1

AiWrite - AI Writer, Content Generator & Writing Assistant Tools(SAAS). - 1

support documentation changes


Demo Access:

User Access:



password: rootadmin

Admin Access:



password: rootadmin

Site Features

  1. 12+ Use Cases
  2. Blog Idea & Outline Writing
  3. Blog Section Writing
  4. Generate Business Ideas
  5. Cover Letter Writing
  6. Facebook, Twitter Ads Description
  7. Generate Google Search Ads Description
  8. Generate Post & Caption Ideas
  9. Generate Product Description
  10. Generate SEO Meta Description
  11. Generate SEO Meta Title
  12. Generate Video Description
  13. Generate Video Idea
  14. Subscription Modules
  15. Drag & Drop Menu Builder
  16. User Payment History
  17. Automatic Payment Gateway
  18. Manage User Modules
  19. Site Settings
  20. System Settings
  21. Blog Modules
  22. Page Modules
  23. Multi Languages Support
  24. SEO Friendly URL
  25. Organized dashboard.
  26. XSS and SQL injection protection.
  27. many more
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Item details
Version 1.5.1-2.0 Untouched
Category PHP & Mobile
Release date 2023-01-31
Latest update 2023-02-22
Included files JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL
Compatible browsers IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Comments 0
High resolution Yes
Sales 120

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