Business Directory Script with PHP Laravel

Directory Hub is a business directory PHP script, inspired by Yelp and Yellow Pages, integrated classified ads module, offers features like csv bulk importer, multiple-countries support, unlimited-level categories, custom fields, listing with multiple categories, business listings, and products listings, which give buyers the maximum ability to make any type of business or niche directory website.

Directory Hub offers you the CMS platform to build a business directory website. It is highly customizable and is the trending business directory script solution in the market to organize your business directory portal.

Directory Hub built based on PHP and Laravel Framework, which gives the developers massive ability to extend and customize the business listing and classified web application to their own needs and specifications.

Business Directory Website Demo

Admin: / 12345678
User 1: / 12345678
User 2: / 12345678
User 3: / 12345678

CSV Bulk Importer Demo Video
Install Directory Hub on cPanel Video

Location-Free Listing
Burger Restaurant Type Listing
Seafood Restaurant Type Listing
Pizza Restaurant Type Listing
Cafe Type Listing
Law Office Type Listing
Real Estate Type Listing
Apartments Type Listing
Flowers Shop Type Listing

All buyers are eligible for further scripts updates.

Buyer Support

All supports are handled in the following ways:

  1. Comment page:
  2. Profile page:
  3. Support page:
  4. Email: (Please include your purchase code, codecanyon username if you purchased script)

Maximum response time can be up to 1 business day, but we usually get back to you within a few hours.

Add-on Themes

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Feature Details

PHP 8.0, and PHP 7.2 – 7.4

Directory Hub compatible with the PHP version 8.0 as well as the other common PHP versions from 7.2 to 7.4.

Support Location-Free Listing

Directory Hub not only supports regular listing for a business that has a physical location but also supports location-free listing for the business. For example, an e-commerce website, an online consulting business, etc. This feature gives buyers the extensibility to build any kind of directories without concerning the location restrictions.

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Advanced Search Functionality

Directory Hub offers search functionality that generates the most relevant results for listings. The search bar is as simple as just one text field. The website visitors can enter any keywords including location and postal code wot get the most relevant results. What’s more the data filter provides the filter and sorting abilities to even narrow down the search results.

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Multiple Countries Support

Directory Hub supports multiple countries in one website. Thus, users can post listings from different countries, and they can easily switch between countries to view all listings in a single country scope.

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Worldwide Countries Datasets

Directory Hub provides location (countries, states, cities) datasets for all countries worldwide. The location datasets are SQL files that you can easily import to your website database without entering names of countries, states, cities manually to your website.

Location SQL files are available for download here: (file name format: cities_2-letter-country-code.sql, for example, cities_in.sql is for India location dataset)

If you do not find a country that you need, please leave your comment, and I will make it available for you.

CSV Bulk Importer

Directory Hub included the CSV file bulk importer tool, which you can import your business listing records (now support import basic info & custom fields & images via URLs) to the website in just a few steps without manually enter listings one by one. It’s a time-saving feature, and you can set up and running your website instantly.

CSV Bulk Importer Demo Video

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Business Listings Map View & Grid View

Directory Hub designs comprehensive map view and grid view on business listings, plus data filter.

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Featured Listing

Featured listing stays on top of the listing search result, category listing page, and homepage, which gives the maximum exposure of business listing for paid users.

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Classified Ads

Directory Hub offers a product feature that users can create customizable products, and posted their products as classified ads inside a listing of their own.

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Claim Business Listing

Anyone can claim a business listing on the website. Admin can either approve or reject each of the business listing claims. This feature gives the website more attractive to business owners, and intent to become paid users.

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Opening Hours

Smart business listing opening hours for weekly hours as well as for holidays.

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5-Star Rating & Review

Directory Hub uses a 5-star rating and review system where users can rate and write reviews on a business listing with uploaded photos. The rating includes 4 dimensions (Customer Service, Quality, Friendly, Pricing) besides Overall Rating. Admin user is able to manage (view, approve, disapprove) all website ratings and reviews.

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Comment System

Directory Hub provides a commenting feature for a business listing and blog post. Users are able to leave comments, reply to a comment, as well as, edit an existing comment. The comment system provides a convenient way for users to start a conversation and build an internal community.

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QR Code

Get the QR Code for a specific business listing page by just click the QR Code button. This feature gives business listing owners to share or print out their QR Codes for their customers.

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Photo Gallery

Upload photo gallery images for any directory, and display on the business listing page as justified waterfall photos. It’s mobile responsive and fantastic looking.

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Youtube Video

Besides the photo gallery, you can also insert the youtube video to the business listing page to get even more eye-attracting and positive impressions.

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Multi-Level Categories

Directory Hub supports an unlimited level of category structure, which gives buyers the maximum ability to create any type of business directory. For example, you can easily build a category structure of restaurants like Restaurants > American Restaurants > Burgers.

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Multi-Categories per Listing

With Directory Hub, you can assign multiple categories to one listing, which is perfectly fit for real-world situations. For example, a law firm may practice many laws such as immigration law, real estate law, senior law, or business law. So in this case, a listing of a law firm can have categories in immigration law, real estate law, senior law, and business law. Buyers can easily do this in Directory Hub.

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Custom Field

There are four types of custom fields (text, single select, multiple select, link) you can add to each type of category.

If you have a category of real estate, you can create one multiple select custom field named Features with values: river-front, outdoor kitchen, garage parking, basement; one text custom field named additional description; and one link custom field named website.

Also, if you have a category of automotive, you can create one single select of a custom field named Brand with values: Toyota, Honda, Ford, BMW, etc; one single select of a custom field named Year with values: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, etc; one multiple select custom field named features with values: the leather seat, hybrid, GPS, etc; one of text custom field named Seller Notes; and one link custom field named website.

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SEO Slug Link

Directory Hub supports SEO-friendly slug link for every business listing and category. Users can set any SEO-friendly slug link for their business listings.

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Lead Generation Form

The lead generation form on the listing detail page where non-registered website visitors can submit inquiries to the listing owner and website administrator. All listing leads can be exported to CSV, Excel, or PDF.

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Sitemap Support

Directory Hub allows you enable or disable website sitemap, and you can also specify sitemap types (XML, HTML, TXT, ror-RSS, ror-RDF), sitemap frequency (always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never), and enable or disable each of individual sitemap.

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Ad Networks Spaces

Directory Hub has a build-in Ad Networks Blocks tool, which allows you to insert any advertisement code (such as Google AdSense,, etc.) to different types of pages, and to different types of positions inside a page. You can also enable or disable or delete certain ad blocks in the ad blocks management panel.

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PayPal, Razorpay, Stripe, PayuMoney, and Bank Transfer Subscription

Directory Hub uses PayPal, Razorpay, Stripe, PayuMoney, and Bank Transfer payment gateway to handle and keep track of subscription payments. Users can also view their subscription status, payment history, and invoices on the user dashboard portal.

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Google reCAPTCHA

Directory Hub supports Google reCAPTCHA version 2 checkbox on the login form, sign up form, and the contact form. You can easily enable or disable Google reCAPTCHA on those forms to prevent spams.

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Highly Customizable Website

Directory Hub offers a website customization feature, which you can change theme colors, homepage (also inner page) heading background (color, image, or youtube videos), menu background color, menu font color, footer background color, footer font color, website logo, website favicon.

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Multi-Languages Support

Directory Hub supports 62 languages:

Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Haitian Creole, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Kyrgyz, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Malay, Mongolian, Myanmar (Burmese), Nepali, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal, Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Spanish, Sundanese, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Vietnamese

Each registered user or website visitor can set his or her preferred language either through the user profile page or website footer.

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100% Editable Languages Text

All of the text in Directory Website are editable. That means you can change any text that you see on the website to whatever other text you like to make it more suitable for your own business needs. You can also sync and store all your changed text to the website database permanently to avoid future updates overwrite.

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Administrator Dashboard

Directory Hub provides a user-friendly and modern designed administrator dashboard for a website owner to handle all tasks including approve or disapprove listings, comments, or suspend or unlock user accounts, manage locations, categories, custom fields, payment plans, subscriptions, and another website settings.

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User Dashboard

Directory Hub offers a dedicated user panel for registered users to manage accounts, listings, reviews, messages, comments, payment, and subscriptions.

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Location Dataset

Directory Hub has a build-in location dataset (states, cities, and latitude & longitude) of 13 countries in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Central African Republic, Czech Republic, Germany, France, United Kingdom of Great Britain, and Northern Ireland, India, Mexico, Netherlands, Romania, and United States. The out-of-box build-in location (country, state, city, latitude, and longitude) dataset saves you time and effort from entering each place manually to the website database. If you do not see a country of your desire, you can send a new country request.

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Directory Hub uses OpenStreetMap and Leaflet JS plugin to handle and render maps in a single listing page, listing by state page, and listing by city page. OpenStreetMap is free to use and no configuration required on your end.

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Google Map

You can also choose to use Google Map on website to get full features of Google map like directions, street views, etc.

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Configurable Billing Plan

Directory Hub has flexible subscription plans and you can easily customize each subscription plan. For example, you can set plan price, billing cycle (monthly, quarterly, yearly), number of the featured listings.

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Internal Message

Directory Hub has a build-in message system where registered users can send and reply messages regarding the listings they posted on the website. Admin user has the ability to moderate all messages among all registered users.

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Social Login

Directory Hub supports social accounts login with Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, and GitHub. You easily can configure, enable, disable the social account login settings in the Admin Dashboard.

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Blog Portal

Directory Hub uses a canvas blog system that offers flexible and powerful blogging and content management functionality. It’s easy to manage blog posts, topics, tags through the user-friendly canvas blog backend dashboard.

Google Analytics

Directory Hub allows you to put your google analytics tracking code to monitor the website traffic from the General Settings page of the administrator dashboard. It also allows you to filter out administrator traffic.


Directory Hub puts SEO in mind too. Thus, admin can easily set up the homepage title, homepage keywords, homepage meta description on the admin dashboard general settings page.

Social Media Sharing

Share to 16 social media networks with just one click.

Save Listing

Business listing can be saved to the user’s personal saved listing collection, and re-visit later.

Maintenance Mode

Turn on and off maintenance mode to control public access while making changes to the website as an administrator.

Company Details & Legal Pages

Directory Hub provides an editor for editing company about page, terms of service page, and privacy policy page. You can easily customize each page content based on your own situation.

Installation Wizard

Directory Hub provides a step-like installer. It’s easy and takes just a few minutes to give you a live website. Install Directory Hub on cPanel Video

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Update Wizard

For existing buyers, Directory Hub allows you to update the script with a step-by-step update wizard to merge new features to your existing website. No programming knowledge needed, and no code touched.

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Complete User Manual

The purchase package included a complete user manual of PDF, which gives you a detailed overview of the script and allows you to quickly dive into every piece of the script.

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Listing Manager

Directory Hub provides a listing manager, which allows you to create a business listing in a step-by-step format. Also, manage listing status with pending, approval, suspend. You can also update a listing with categories, detailed information, custom fields, and images.

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SMTP for Outgoing Mail

Directory Hub allows you to set up SMTP on the admin setting page with other third-party SMTP services.

Third-Party Javascript Inserter

Directory Hub provides option to insert HTML/CSS/Javascript code between <head></head> tag and before tag. Gives you the maximum flexibility to integrate other third-party widgets such as live chat.

Registered User Manager

The registered user page in the admin dashboard allows you to create/update website registered users, update profile images, change the user’s password. Also, delete or suspend users.

Great Directory Script with Great Customer Support

We offer you free script installation service and professional developer support for any of your inquiries.

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Feature Summary

  • PHP 8.0, and PHP 7.2 – 7.4 Compatible
  • Location-Free Listing Support
  • Multiple Country Support
  • CSV Bulk Importer
  • Business Listings & Directory
  • Classified Ads
  • Map View & Grid View
  • Data Filter
  • Multi-level Categories
  • Category Thumbnail
  • Multi-Categories per Listing
  • Opening Hours
  • QR Code Support
  • Feature Image
  • Photo Gallery
  • Youtube Video
  • Google Map & Directions
  • OpenStreetMap & Directions
  • Custom Fields
  • Lead Generation Form
  • Listing leads export to CSV, Excel, PDF
  • Send Message
  • Save/Favorite Listings
  • Similar Business Listings
  • Nearby Business Listings
  • Claim Business
  • 5-Star Review System
  • Comments
  • Social Share Listings/Blogs
  • Products with custom attributes
  • Configurable section content on listing page
  • Blog & Tags & Topics
  • Business listings search
  • Business listings filter
  • Pricing Page
  • About page
  • Terms of service page
  • Privacy policy page
  • Configurable sitemap pages
  • Customizable footer
  • Customizable header
  • Theme & colors
  • Contact form
  • Configurable pricing
  • PayPal
  • RazorPay
  • Stripe
  • Bank Transfer
  • Ads Spaces
  • Google AdSense
  • Ads
  • Editable Website Sections
  • Google reCAPTCHA
  • SEO
  • 62 Languages Support
  • 100% Editable Languages Text
  • Social Login
  • Google Analytics
  • SMTP
  • Maintenance Mode
  • Caching System
  • Fast Performance
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Payment Subscription
  • Admin dashboard
  • User dashboard
  • Image Crop
  • Installer wizard
  • Updater wizard
  • CSRF Protection
  • Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Protection
  • SQL Injection Protection
  • Secure Bcrypt Password Hashing


  • Apache Web Server.
  • PHP >= 7.2.0
  • MySQL >= 5.6
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension

PHP symlink() function must be enabled on your hosting server. Otherwise, the Directory Hub will not able to install successfully.

Visit project page for demo, installation, user manual, and more information

If you are looking for a business directory PHP script or a yellow pages PHP script, the Directory Hub is your best choice.

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Item details
Version 38
Category PHP & Mobile
Release date 2020-06-11
Latest update 2022-06-23
Included files JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL
Compatible browsers IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Comments 0
High resolution Yes
Sales 959

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