
The iconic Netflix series, Stranger Things, has captured the hearts of audiences with its nostalgic 80s aesthetic and retro design. From its vintage fashion to its neon lights and cyberpunk graphics, the show has become a pop culture phenomenon. In this article, we'll delve into what makes the 80s design so unique and explore how to bring the Stranger Things look to life in your own projects.

What Is Stranger Things and 80s Design?:

Stranger Things is a science fiction-horror series set in the 80s, capturing the essence of the decade with its retro design and nostalgic references to popular culture. The 80s was a time of excess and bold design choices, characterized by neon lights, cyberpunk graphics, and colorful pop culture.

Pop Culture and the 80s Aesthetic:

The 80s aesthetic was heavily influenced by pop culture, including movies, music, and video games. From the iconic neon lights of Tron to the cyberpunk graphics of Blade Runner, the 80s was a time of experimentation and boundary-pushing design.

Neon & Cyberpunk: Key Elements of 80s Design:

Neon lights and cyberpunk graphics were two of the most prominent elements of 80s design. Neon lights were used to create bold and attention-grabbing visuals, while cyberpunk graphics were inspired by the futuristic world of science fiction. Both elements were used to create an otherworldly, futuristic feel.

Get the Look with 'Stranger Things'-Inspired Templates on Envato Elements:

Recreating the 80s aesthetic and retro design from Stranger Things has never been easier. With Envato Elements, you can access a vast library of 'Stranger Things'-inspired templates, including neon light graphics, cyberpunk graphics, and retro design elements. Whether you're working on a personal project or a professional one, these templates will help you get the look you're after.


      In conclusion, the 80s aesthetic and retro design from Stranger Things are making a comeback, and it's easy to see why. With its bold and attention-grabbing design elements, it's a timeless look that continues to inspire new generations of designers. Whether you're looking to recreate the look in your own projects or simply pay homage to the iconic show, Envato Elements has everything you need to get the look you're after.